Thursday 22 October 2009

The media and government appear to be controlled by the pharmaceutical giants who manufacture, among other things, the dangerous and improperly tested swine flu vaccine.

A great deal of profit stands to be made from its sale and the key to that profit lies in creating a panic about Swine Flu and persuading an inept and ill-informed government to make vaccination compulsory.

I don’t know about you but I am getting just a little bit tired of being lied to, treated like cattle and having my human rights trampled on by greedy corporations.

I have already listed the ingredients of the Swine Flu Virus in an earlier article and these alone are a very strong argument for avoiding it like the plague. But if you don’t take the vaccine, aren’t you putting yourself at risk of death from Swine Flu infection?

The companies that want to sell you their vaccine and the media and governments that serve them would have you believe so. But a sober look at the FACTS paints a very different picture. Here, in brief, are some of them:

Total hospitalizations due to Swine Flu are similar or lower than for seasonal flu (yearly flu).

In the U.S. only two states are reporting widespread infections, while all the others report only regional or sporadic activity. In other words, it’s not very contagious.

Media reports have suggested a nightmare scenario in which the "virus has mutated" yet there is no evidence that this has happened at all anywhere in the world

Only 43,771 cases in total have been reported in the United States. Evidently as many as a million people may actually have caught the flu and the aforementioned figure reflects only those who got sick enough to visit a doctor. Of these 43,771, 5011 (just over ten percent) were admitted to hospital and these hospitalization rates were either lower than or barely above the normal seasonal flu admissions in the previous two years. Of those admitted to hospital only 302 have died.

In other words, in the U.S. Swine Flu has so far resulted in the death of one person in a million and of those who actually caught the disease (one third of one percent of the population) only 0.03 percent died.

That is to say that 99.97 percent of people who catch Swine Flu will not die from it.

The Swine Flu hospitalization rates and death rates are significantly lower than the previous two to three flu seasons. Your chances of dying are incredibly low and thus far Swine Flu has actually proven to be a relatively mild disease!

If you are a baby, your chances of dying are miniscule. Of the tiny fraction of the population that have died from the disease, the greatest death rates lie between ages 25 to 49, while 65 percent are between ages 25 to 64. The least likely to die are babies up to age 4 years (2%), yet media propaganda targets them for vaccination.

This data explains why virologists themselves, the experts who know most about the dangers of viruses, are downplaying this infection, contrary to media and government scaremongering.

Behind the recent push to vaccinate the entire population are the pharmaceutical corporations that make and sell the vaccines. They and their proxies and servants in government are working to make the vaccine mandatory.

The medical experts, virologists and epidemiologists on the other hand are calling for calm and resorting to voluntary vaccination only. As with most modern health issues, there is little profit for the pharmaceutical corporations in the public calmly appraising the facts and a great deal of profit will be made by the manufacturers if government can be pressured into trampling on the rights of the citizenry and forcing us to take a vaccine that is more harmful in fact than the disease it purports to prevent.

The discrepancy between fact and media disinformation (and since when do media and government think it is okay to so misinform us?) is a yawning chasm.

We are told, for example, using hysterical figures snatched apparently out of journalistic fantasy, that 150 million Americans will be infected. That is 150 times as many as now infected, and represents a much larger figure than now estimated. In fact that 150 million represents HALF the entire U.S. population, yet there is nothing to indicate such a high infectivity rate from the past 7 months of analysis.

It should also be understood that infections will not occur all at once, but will slowly evolve, as they have thus far. This means that at any one time a much smaller number of people will be infected by a disease that is in any case proving to be less virulent and less fatal than regular flu and this also reduces the numbers who will require hospitalization.

The government, apparently making the crass error of basing its data on what it reads in the papers, now asserts there will be 1.8 million people hospitalized, of which 300,000 may need ICU treatment. Yet the existing facts paint a quite different and much less alarming picture.

At the time the data used in this article was taken, 303 people out of one million infected died and 5,011 needed hospitalization. This means a projected hospitalization incidence of 750,000 and a death rate of 45,000 deaths if you assume outrageously high figure of 50% of the population being infected - that is, 150 million people. If the infection rate is 6 percent, as all the studies have shown thus far, the numbers are about one eighth of that total; a hospitalization rate of 90,000 and a projected death incidence of 5436.

Remember that the infections will be spread over possibly a long period of time and will not happen all at once. If we spread this over several months or even years, at any one time the hospitalizations will be a much smaller number, as will the deaths.

The facts are that thus far, there have been across the U.S, 2,000 hospitalizations a month (most suffering from dehydration and only required IV fluid infusion) and 99 deaths a month. This is across a country with resources totalling 5,759 hospitals containing 955,000 beds and 70,000 ICU beds

It should also be taken into account that most child deaths and elderly deaths occur early in an epidemic because the chronically ill and immune-suppressed will become infected early. Therefore, usually deaths rise initially and then fall as the infection spreads.

Government and the media should, of course, know these things but clearly they either have not bothered to get their facts straight or have chosen to ignore the facts altogether.

The citizenry does not benefit from being scared half to death by this disinformation campaign by newspapers, governments and other criminal organizations but the vaccine pedlars certainly do.

The citizenry do benefit however from accurate and level-headed health advice and have a right to know that a proper nutrient-rich diet is generally better medicine than drugs.

On that score I recommend that you check out a nutrient - rich powerhouse of a food supplement that will work wonders for your general health and vitality. I have produced a free book on the subject that is available from Well Healthy

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